
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 液位變送器廠(chǎng)家 | 2020-06-09 點(diǎn)擊量: 4610

    華恒變送器廠(chǎng)家對工匠精神的理解;工匠精神本意就是一輩子認真做好一件事,必然就成‘工匠’。”在華恒變送器廠(chǎng)家看來(lái),在一個(gè)行業(yè)堅守一輩子并不是一件太難的事,他們那代人屬于干一行愛(ài)一行,專(zhuān)心做好自己的事。確實(shí),當技術(shù)或者行業(yè)處于發(fā)展初期,華恒工匠們爭相要求門(mén)門(mén)通,但隨著(zhù)行業(yè)發(fā)展進(jìn)入深水區,不論是個(gè)人還是企業(yè),都需要深鉆下去,掌握一項核心技術(shù),做到一門(mén)精,像華恒變送器廠(chǎng)家一樣做到“以不變應萬(wàn)變”。華恒變送器廠(chǎng)家研發(fā)出傳感器和智能電路板兩項核心技術(shù),不僅所有產(chǎn)品的核心部件技術(shù)全部掌握 ,而且能做到對壓力/差壓,液位變送器的多方位管理,以以立足西北自動(dòng)化工業(yè)設計為核心,獨立自主的為眾多油田勘探與開(kāi)采,市政水利設計與應用,焦爐煤氣制造,水處理設計等眾多行業(yè)提供了高穩定性,高精度的工業(yè)自動(dòng)化儀表.在華恒儀表為客戶(hù)設計和使用中,經(jīng)常發(fā)現在,華恒的儀表還在穩定的使用已經(jīng)超過(guò)8年之久,但儀表信息,設計說(shuō)明和使用說(shuō)明,已經(jīng)遺失超過(guò)4年之久,為后期維修和保養造成部分困難,在華恒儀表制造的技術(shù)工匠們看來(lái),
    Huaheng transmitter manufacturer has developed two core technologies, i.e. sensor and intelligent circuit board. They not only master all the core component technologies of all products, but also manage the pressure / differential pressure and liquid level transmitters in multiple aspects. With the northwest automation industrial design as the core, they independently explore and exploit many oil fields, design and apply municipal water conservancy, manufacture coke oven gas, Water treatment design and many other industries provide high stability and high precision industrial automation instruments. In the design and use of Huaheng instruments for customers, it is often found that Huaheng instruments have been in stable use for more than 8 years, but instrument information, design instructions and use instructions have been lost for more than 4 years, causing some difficulties for later maintenance and repair, According to the technical craftsmen of Huaheng instrument manufacturing,
    高精度高穩定性液位變送器的技術(shù)信息工程處該怎樣管?/ -儀表技術(shù)管理
    How to manage the Technical Information Engineering Department of high precision and high stability liquid level transmitter? / - instrument technical management
    A part-time documenter shall be set up in the workshop or device instrument maintenance team to be responsible for the management of instrument technical data, documents, archives, etc.
    The workshop or device instrument maintenance team must establish and improve the instrument technical files, which shall be managed by microcomputer.
    The workshop or device instrument maintenance team must establish and improve various procedures and management systems for instrument operation, maintenance, calibration, overhaul, etc.
    The workshop or device instrument maintenance team must build and implement all kinds of instrument calibration forms, files, work contact lists and on-site signs uniformly issued by the group company.
    If the original design of the detection and automatic control system is proved to need to be changed by the production practice, it can only be carried out after being approved by the production and operation Department of the plant, and the revised drawings and data shall be filed immediately.
    The workshop or device instrument maintenance team shall fill in all kinds of instrument technical reports according to the requirements of the competent department of the factory.
    It is strictly prohibited to use instrument air for other purposes without the approval of the production and operation Department of the plant. -How to manage the Technical Information Engineering Department of high precision and high stability liquid level transmitter?
    The management of instrument power supply system and UPS shall be strengthened to ensure the power supply quality and normal operation of emergency standby power supply and inverter power system.
    With its own sensor and intelligent circuit board core technology, Huaheng transmitter manufacturers can extend and transform the core technology at low cost according to customer requirements to achieve personalized product customization. The main products are smart (SMART) series pressure transmitter, multi parameter transmitter, flowmeter, temperature sensor and level (liquid level transmitter manufacturer, which provides high performance price ratio industrial automatic transmitter manufacturer products for China's power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, cement, mining and other industries

    華恒變送器廠(chǎng)田總工程師曾表示不斷的提升產(chǎn)品的競爭力,完善配套措施的服務(wù),同時(shí)會(huì )加速開(kāi)發(fā)變送器的附加值產(chǎn)品,豐富產(chǎn)品系列,不再只做某一項的單一產(chǎn)品,增加技能型的功效延伸,方便客戶(hù)的日常使用,帶動(dòng)整個(gè)行業(yè)技術(shù)標準質(zhì)的飛躍,使得華恒工匠變送器真正進(jìn)入科技化發(fā)展方向是對大國工匠一個(gè)很淺顯的理解。

    We will continue to uphold the "craftsman spirit" of "craftsman Hua Heng instrument will continue to do one thing well" in our life. While producing and researching, the R & D team will continuously enrich technology, improve product performance, and make industrial automation instruments into economic and durable products to promote the industrial development of Hua Heng craftsman country through numerous tests in various environments Domestic instrument industry leader.

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