
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 液位變送器生產(chǎn) | 2020-09-23 點(diǎn)擊量: 3385

    The central heating system consists of three parts: heat source, heat supply network and heat user. The purpose is to keep the indoor temperature suitable and keep the building in the balance of heat gain and heat loss. Among them, the heat supply network undertakes the task of timely transferring and distributing the heat from the heat source to each heat user, which plays a bridge role in connecting the two, and is an important part of the heating system.
    壓力變送器是許多工業(yè)設備中用以控制工業(yè)過(guò)程和壓力變化的重要原件。壓力變送器用于測量液體、氣體或蒸汽的液位、密度和壓力,然后將壓力信號轉變成4~20mADC信號輸出。壓力變送器是直接與被測介質(zhì)相接觸的現場(chǎng)儀表,常常在高溫低溫腐蝕振動(dòng)沖擊等環(huán)境中工作。在石油、化工、 電力、鋼鐵、輕工等行業(yè)的壓力測量及現場(chǎng)控制中應用非常廣泛。3151TG 系列智能壓力變送器是公司技術(shù)中心新開(kāi)發(fā)的一種高精度智能的現場(chǎng)壓力參數的檢測儀表,在過(guò)程控制系統中具有廣泛的用途,可以來(lái)測量各種介質(zhì)在液體,氣體和蒸汽狀態(tài)下的壓力、液位等參數,并將被測的壓力參數轉換成4-20mA標準電信號輸出,該輸出可以作為指示、記錄和各種控制、調節系統的輸入信號。變送器同時(shí)采用HART協(xié)議傳輸數字信號,具有與手操器或上位機進(jìn)行參數組態(tài),在變送器上設置了就地零點(diǎn)和量程調整與LCD液晶顯示參數組態(tài)按鈕,便于現場(chǎng)調整零點(diǎn)和量程及設置所需的現場(chǎng)顯示參數。國部分地區仍采用汽暖供熱,比起水暖供熱,汽暖供熱的溫度高,熱量損失也較高,同時(shí)對于設備的要求也比水碾高。另外,供熱管網(wǎng)的熱媒和熱源選擇不夠恰當、管理不夠細致周全、供熱管網(wǎng)設備老化等問(wèn)題也會(huì )對供熱管網(wǎng)節能效果產(chǎn)生影響。3151/3051法蘭式壓力變送器應用_供熱管網(wǎng)存設計實(shí)用
    Pressure transmitter is an important component in many industrial equipment to control industrial process and pressure change. The pressure transmitter is used to measure the liquid level, density and pressure of liquid, gas or steam, and then converts the pressure signal into 4 ~ 20mADC signal output. Pressure transmitter is a field instrument which directly contacts with the measured medium. It often works in the environment of high temperature, low temperature, corrosion, vibration and shock. It is widely used in pressure measurement and field control in petroleum, chemical, electric power, steel, light industry and other industries. 3151TG  Series intelligent pressure transmitter is a kind of high-precision intelligent on-site pressure parameter detection instrument newly developed by the company's technical center. It is widely used in process control system. It can measure the pressure, liquid level and other parameters of various media in liquid, gas and steam state, and convert the measured pressure parameters into 4-20mA standard electrical signal output. The output can be used as Input, control and recording of various indication signals. At the same time, the transmitter uses HART protocol to transmit digital signals, and has parameter configuration with manual controller or upper computer. Local zero point and range adjustment and LCD LCD parameter configuration buttons are set on the transmitter to facilitate on-site adjustment of zero point and range and setting of required field display parameters. Steam heating is still used in some parts of China. Compared with water heating, the temperature of steam heating is higher and the heat loss is higher. At the same time, the requirements for equipment are higher than that of water roller. In addition, the selection of heat medium and heat source is not appropriate, the management is not careful and comprehensive, and the aging of heating network equipment will also affect the energy-saving effect of heating network.
    3151數顯式壓力變送器在3051普通型智能差壓/壓力變送器的基礎上,通過(guò)對金屬密封的差動(dòng)電容壓力傳感器的δ室結構及壓力引入結構的創(chuàng )新設計,在δ室的受壓腔體內,嵌入高精度的溫度傳感器(在一定的溫度范圍內,測量精度可以達到±0.5℃),構成了一體化的壓力,溫度復合傳感器,使該變送器具備了壓力與傳感器本體溫度的精確測量功能,提高了變送器環(huán)境溫度影響補充性能,由于該復合傳感器與被測介質(zhì)直接接觸,所以同時(shí)可獲得與傳感器接觸的介質(zhì)溫度信息,并實(shí)現用螺紋連接的方式與被測壓力管道聯(lián)接,方便安裝。3151/3051法蘭式壓力變送器應用_供熱管網(wǎng)存設計實(shí)用
    On the basis of 3051 common intelligent differential pressure / pressure transmitter, 3151 digital display pressure transmitter adopts the innovative design of δ chamber structure and pressure introduction structure of metal sealed differential capacitance pressure sensor. In the pressure chamber of δ chamber, high-precision temperature sensor is embedded (the measurement accuracy can reach ± 0.5 ℃ within a certain temperature range), forming an integrated pressure The composite sensor of force and temperature enables the transmitter to accurately measure the pressure and the temperature of the sensor body, and improves the supplementary performance of the environmental temperature influence of the transmitter. Because the composite sensor is directly in contact with the measured medium, it can obtain the temperature information of the medium contacting with the sensor at the same time, and realize the connection with the measured pressure pipeline by means of thread connection, which is convenient and safe Install.
    Through the improved design of the signal processing circuit of the transmitter, the pressure signal and temperature signal measured by the transmitter are used for display and transmission at the same time, so that the transmitter can not only measure, display and transmit the measured pressure parameters by digital signal, but also display and transmit the temperature parameters of the sensor body and the medium to be contacted, and the field digital display of the transmitter configuration The meter can directly display the measured pressure value, the output analog current value, the percentage ratio of the set range corresponding to the measured pressure, and the temperature value of the sensor body and its contact medium.
    3151 flange type liquid level transmitter is a general intelligent series transmitter, which is the pressure detection and transmission unit of industrial automation control system. It measures the industrial process fluid pressure and converts it into 4mA ~ 20mADC signal output. At the same time, through the field bus HART protocol, remote parameter setting, remote control, self diagnosis and other functions can be carried out. Artificial intelligence management can make your automation control system to a new higher level.


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